Starring Evangeline Von Winter and Sleeperkid
In this POV machine gun and pistol clip, Jacquelyn plays an assassin tasked with taking out several clones stationed around a nearby lair. Along with some help from her armed partner, Jacquelyn takes it upon herself to mow down clone after clone, even after they've been eliminated, leading to tons of sprawled out bodies, awkward splayed out limb positions, post death machine-gunnings, wall-slides, all ending with the lifeless clone getting carried or dragged away.
Velvets' partner does his part, checking each bullet-riddled clone for a pulse and then carrying them to a storage room in the house, leading to a job well done...and a big payday for Velvets and SK!
This movie contains 6 clone kills, pistol shot deaths, machine gun deaths, head shots, over the shoulder carries, draggings, pulse checks, death stares, over kill shots
There are NO blood scenes or special effects just sexy girls dying over and over in various ways!
**This movie features my gas-powered machine gun props that provide realistic recoil and occasional "smoke puff" effects!!**
12 minutes run time
Resolution - 720x1280
File Size - 967 MB

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