Starring Kerie Heart (making her debut!), Jacquelyn Velvets, and Sleeperkid. Jacquelyn invites Kerie over to experience her brand new jacuzzi, but Kerie is not impressed by it and insists her hot tub back home is better. When she accuses Jacquelyn of stealing her interior design ideas, it becomes clear that these two have been trying to out do the other. Jacquelyn keeps calm, and breaks out Plan B: to expose and humiliate her competitive frenemy by drugging her drink. What soon follows is Kerie at Jacquelyn's disposal, and only her sultry woozy moans will be the last thing Kerie is able to say back before she gets carried away!
This movie contains drugged drink KO, teasing chloroform KO, sleeper hold KO, neck chop KO, blackjack KO, over the shoulder carry, eye checks, limp limb manipulation, rag dolling
Kerie Heart appears in cooperation with Bluestone Video Productions! You can see more of Kerie Heart at:
15 minutes run time
Resolution - 720x1280
File Size - 484 MB

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