
1jccjxfns (7 Mar 2019, 08:35)
We fade in on agent Jacquelyn Velvets taking new orders from her boss Victor. Her mission is to infiltrate a safe house occupied by rookie agents Bambi Buttons, Jinx, Arielle Lane, Hannah Perez, and Alisa Kiss in order to test their skills and see if they’re ripe for a complete training regimen!
Velvets easily breaks into a house and goes on a knockout spree, taking each girl out one at a time with karate chops to the neck and eventually de-booting them for some perfectly applied panty hosed foot pressure point KOs. Miss Velvets recruits the lovely agent Buttons (who she shares a history with) and the two start tormenting the other agents with multiple knockouts with some post KO strip-downs to their sexy lingerie. After an epic set of quadruple KOs in the bedroom, the head-strong agent Buttons is betrayed by Velvets, who knocks her out, strips her down, and leaves all five ladies lined up at her feet as she calls her boss. She tells him the girls are just not ready yet, smiling as she leaves a sexy sleeping quintet on the ground!
This movie contains neck chop KOs, double neck chop KOs, black jack KOs, foot pressure point KOs, foot pressure point wake-ups, draggings, over the shoulder carry, quick KO reactions, body piles, limp limb manipulation
30 minutes run time
Resolution - 720x1280
File Size - 993 MB
1jccjxfns (7 Mar 2019, 08:35)
1ubajpxhx (7 Mar 2019, 08:35)
1puriqxsq (7 Mar 2019, 08:35)
Pretty theme with dressed models as I like pity that the models are not lie and baillonne by you when you put them KO and I will be able to add a sequel they get free and you put Ko and you are bound and gagged your turn always vattakunnel with your white blouse cordialylocatelli (28 Oct 2017, 23:45)
hosed offtttt (6 Sep 2016, 11:26)
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