Starring Galas and Sleeperkid
Hot-shot reporter Galas relishes her recent story shining a light on a very corrupt corporation, but after said institution sends a “clean-up” specialist to her house, her victory turns into a day-long nightmare! The specialist (played by SK) takes her down with a blackjack strike to the head, following up with interrogations, a variety of KOs, limp dragging, multiple limp carries, extended bearhugs, and some rag dolling just for kicks. A long chloroform session bleeds into a final intense bearhug that finally breaks the once-intrepid reporter. She confesses the location of her files moments before slipping into a deep sleep, leaving our antagonist enough time to gloat before claiming her precious hard-drive!
This movie contains blackjack KO, neck chop KO, bear hug KOs, shoe pressure point KO, teasing chloroform KO, smelling salt wake ups, eye check, extended eye rolling/moaning, over the shoulder carries, dragging, rag dolling, limp limb manipulation
24 minutes runtime
Resolution - 720x1280
File Size - 1.7 GB

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