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Tiger Woman and The Jungle Goddess

Tiger Woman and The Jungle Goddess

Starring Jacquelyn Velvets and Saya Savage The beautiful Tiger Woman (Saya), charged with keeping her jungle safe, is…


Tilly Death Do We Part

Tilly Death Do We Part

Starring Jacquelyn Velvets and Tilly McReese Jacquelyn thought she was in for a quiet night of horror movie marathons…


To Catch A Superheroine

To Catch A Superheroine

Starring Jacquelyn Velvets and Macy Nikole Hey there fans, it’s time once again for another update to your favorite…


To Dream, Perchance To Sleep

To Dream, Perchance To Sleep

Starring Danielle Trixie, Mallory Page, Jacquelyn Velvets, Mandy, and Sleeperkid. An extremely distraught Danielle Trixi…


To The Victor Goes The Spoils

To The Victor Goes The Spoils

Starring Jacquelyn Velvets and Serena Voxx. Serena makes her debut in this seriously sexy role! Bas…


Training For Sleep

Training For Sleep

Starring Jacquelyn Velvets and Elsa Ives Based on a custom script! We fade in on lovely up and coming gymnasts Jacq…


Training The Knockouts Part 1

Training The Knockouts Part 1

Starring Jacquelyn Velvets and Sumiko Brand New Agents Jacquelyn Velvets and Sumiko have a busy night ahead of them. …


Training The Knockouts Part 2

Training The Knockouts Part 2

Starring Jacquelyn Velvets and Sumiko The fierce competition in SafeHouse G221x has only just begun! Sumiko wakes to …


Tricked & Mistreated

Tricked & Mistreated

Starring Mandy, Arden Adaire, Alisa Kiss, Anne Marie, and Abbey. In this special HALLOWEEN movie, Mandy (as a sexy fligh…


Tricked & Mistreated! Part 3

Tricked & Mistreated! Part 3

Starring CoCo, Eden and Sleeperkid !!!!HALLOWEEN SPECIAL!!!! We fade in on the lovely Coco and Eden exchanging som…


Tricked and Mistreated 2

Tricked and Mistreated 2

Starring Jacquelyn Velvets, Star, Anne Marie, and Ivy Sloan. It's Halloween and all the girls are dressed up in their be…


Trixie DayDream

Trixie DayDream

Mandy is on her way out with her girl friends Danielle Trixie and Jacquelyn Velvets. Until Mandy's boyfriend get his eye…
